Tuesday, 22 May 2012



Right now at this every minutes, someone is very proud of you.Someone is thinking about you.Someone cares about you.Someone misses you.Someone wants to talk to you.Someone wants to be with you.Someone hopes you aren't in trouble.Someone wants you to be happy just for you.Someone thinks you are a gift.Someone LOVES you.Someone admires your strength.Someone is thinking about you and smiling.Someone wants to be on your shoulder to cry on.Someone thinks the world of you.Someone would do anything for you.Someone wants to be forgiven.Someone is grateful for your forgiveness.Someone wants to laugh with you about all times.Someone remembers you and wishes you were there.Someone needs to know that your love is unconditional.Someone wants to tell you how much they care.Someone wants to share their dreams with you.Someone treasures your spirit.Someone wishes she could stop time because of you.Someone loves you for who you are.Someone wants to be with you.Someone hears a song that reminds her of you.Someone is glad that you are her only true love.Someone wants to be your friends.Someone stayed up all night thinking about you.Someone is alive because of you.Someone believes that you are their soul mate.Someone wants to be near you.Someone misses your guidance and advices.Someone has faith in you.Someone trust you.Someone needs you to send them this letter.Someone needs your support.Someone needs you to have faith in them.Someone need you to let them to be your friends.Someone will cry when they read this.

p/s : If you are falling in love with two person in one time,just choose the second one because if you are truly love the first,you will not fall to the second person.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

16 mei 2012

Hai bloggers!!waa....dh lme la xupdate blog ni....dh bersawang dah kot blog ni...huhu...update ni pon still xtau nk wat entry sal ape....hehe...ermmmm...sush gak nk jd blogger kan....blogger lain banyak je idea nk conteng lam blog kan.....huhu....sy ni critenye bnyak tp rse mcm tlalu privcy kot nk siarkan lam blog...n bg org len bca.....dah umo 20thun kan....hehe......dh pndai nk privacy r kan....slalunye main bantai je....actually hari ni 16 MEI 2012,hari guru....so,SELAMAT HARI GURU  diucapkan pada semua insan yang bergelar guru....cikgu ni banyak jasanye....lau x krna kena lempar bku,kna dnda duk luar klas,kna rotan ble mrkah rndah,kite xakn jd orang yg berguna...stiap plakuan n ktegasan guru 2 ada sbb mereka tsndiri...mereka ad cra mreka yg tsndiri untk mndidik kite...hurm....ble anta msj wish slmat hari guru kt ckgu2,tsentuh plak ble ckgu2 reply mdoakan kjayaan kte kan....doa ckgu tu pnting slain dri doa kdua ibubpa kite...lau kt umah mak ayah la yg jga kite,tp lau lau skolah ckgulah yg akan ambik alih tggungjwab mak ayah 2....pengorbnan seorang guru ble mreka tpksa mnjga ank org lain dismping mnumpukan phatian kpd keluarga mreka sendiri...waa....rindunye kt ckgu2 kat sek.ren manek urai....cikgu azwani n sir suhadi yg sgt sporting n slalu mggosipkan sy ngan si farid..huhu...ckgu2 kt mrsm kuala krai...tc wawa yg sgt tgas tp baik....ckgu fadil yg sgt lucu n famous ngan ayt " ak rogol kea" ble ad student yg wat hal....ckgu norma n ckgu hasnah,wrden yg sgt baik n ske korek rhsia sy..huhu...ckgu2 kt SMTKK yg tlalu bnyk jasanye kpdaku....ckgu anis yg garang tp hakiktnye dye lah ckgu yg pling sporting n ambik brat sal stdent2 dye.....ckgu yg pling cpat mngmbil tndakan ble ad stdentnye yg mmpunyai msalah smada lam plajaran ataupon bkn lam soal plajaran...rindu ckgu rosnani yg ibrat ibu kpda kmi smua.....seorg ckgu yg slalu mngusap blakang n kpala sy ble mngantok....ckgu sakeri yg trsgtlah bnyak mlayan krenah kami semua.....asal klas admth je,msti muka sy akan ad kt blik dsiplin...wat2 rjin tlong ckgu anuar wat krja2....xsmpai stgah jam.ad la ckgu sakeri g pggilnye n  kjar sy msuk clas..huhu....ble time lam klas,lau bkak kast n duk bsila,msti kast sy akn brda ddpn pintu klas...huhuhu...adoila ckgu...kt KMP rindu kt pn.syalini yg sgt baik ngan sy...ibarat seorang ibu n kakak....seorg ckgu yg sgt baik n tsgt snstf...tringt mse ckgu tacink ngan naim,sy lah yg mnjadi pengantaranye ble ckgu xnk naim jd cls rep msa clas dyen sy yg kna gnti tmpat naim n skaligus mjdi pengantara antra mreka...shinggalah mreka bbaik smula n naim mdpat jwtan dye kmbali...alhamdulillah.......rndu kt ckgu masrizi yg sgt ambik brat sal sbjek eko sy.....ble sy xfham ape yg dye ajr lam clas,trus dye buat tmujnji untk sy ngan nik g blajar sdiri kt blik dye...lau nk sebt smua kish ngan ckgu2 ni memg xhbis r shari sy taip entry ni coz tlalu bnyak knangan ngan ckgu2 semua.....sy xakan brada d thap ini tnpa skongan,dorongan n tnjuk ajar dr ckgu2 semua...bmula dri sy blajar mngenali ABC123 shinggalah skrg sy tau untuk mngira pndpatn ngara ....terima kasih cikgu...sy sayang ckgu semua...semoga Tuhan merahmati kalian n dimurahkan rezki slalu n semoga setiap doa yg ckgu2 doakan untuk sy akan dimakbulkan olehNYA...amin......

p/s : ble teringt ckgu2,tringt plak semua kish2 lme..suka duka kt suka n rindu time sy 1 skolah ngan "dye"...trase kamilah yg pling bahagia ble ckgu2 xmrah kmi kapel..malah ad ckgu yg ske mgorek rhsia kmi....zman bdak2...ckup bbza ble kte dh tggal zman bdak2 2 n mjdi seorg rmaja....huhu...ckgu2.....rindu ckgu2 n rindu "kamu"....semoga kite semua bjaya d dunia n di akhirat....
nanti kite smbung lg...bye....slm...:)